Psyched! (Yeah, it writes itself.)

(Yes, I just made up the word crimedy. Crime + comedy? I think it works. It has the benefit of sounding a bit like criminy, which is one of my favorite antiquated exclamations.)
If you visit the show's website, you can test out Spencer's "psychic" skills for yourself. While I think Spencer will be a fun character, I'm more looking forward to increased screentime for Dulé, who wasn't featured too prominently in the final season of The West Wing. And if James and Dulé don't do it for you, you can always enjoy Corbin Bernsen.
The website for the show also has a trailer along with various blogs and clips, so you can get a flavor of whether you might like it. The trailer features the song Blister in the Sun, which I will forever remember as the song Angela Chase did her "I'm over Jordan Catalano" dance to in My So-Called Life, so it's already got that going for it.
That's funny that we both independently (I swear! :) described the show as a crimedy. I just googled the term and we're not alone. We've better go copyright it, get people to start using it, and sue them all. :)
I've been looking forward to this for a while now...and I was not disappointed.
EW ripped it a new one...saying that it was predictable and something like the dumb man's Monk.
I don't watch it for the mystery. Too easy. (The same goes for Monk.) I like the characters... If I want a mystery that challenges me, I'll read a book.
My favorite part? The blooper at the end of the first episode with Dule playing Michael Jackson...fell off the couch with laughter. : )
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