Five reasons why C.J. Cregg rocks
1. Her stature. It's not that she's tall. It's that her carriage commands respect. She's got the gravitas for the big issues and a voice that makes you sit up and pay attention. More that that, it's a voice that you want to trust -- or listen to for the rest of your life, if you're Danny Concannon.
3. Her smarts. CEO's and world leaders are all knocking down her door for a reason. While it's a more than a bit implausible that C.J. would've made the leap from Press Secretary to Chief of Staff, you can suspend your disbelief because this lady knows her stuff. I don't have any matters of grave importance on which I need advising, but if I did, she'd be the first fictional character I'd call.
4. Her speeches. When she shows up at Danny's late at night and explains why she's been skittish about their relationship, she's all over the place, but it makes sense. She's unapologetic for the choices she's made but in her every word shows how vulnerable she is to the relationship they're beginning. Even while rambling about skiing, she's hestitantly baring her soul to him, and it is as sincere and awkward as it should be.
5. Her smile. For the power she wields and the difficult decisions she's forced to make every day, she still has the open, gleeful smile of a teenage girl who just got asked to dance by the object of her affections.
Allison Janney, I'm going to miss watching you every week. You are a talented, talented woman and I hope you go on to even more amazing roles.
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