Greyed out
Matt Roush over at was pretty darn complimentary of Chris O'Donnell's performance on Grey's Anatomy last night. He described it as "scruffy, laid-back, amused, and adorable." Matt's usually right on target and I really respect his opinions about television in general. But this time? I'm not feeling it. Scruffy and laid-back, okay. Amused and adorable, not so much.
Whatever the case, Grey's felt a little flat to me last night. I'm not really loving Callie and George, though I did like when George finally came back to the Casa de Interns and made up with Izzie. And I liked the sweet hug between Denny and Izzie at the end, but I found myself wondering something: if Denny is such a charmer and a great all around guy, how come he never ever has any visitors? Where are all his friends? He seems like a total gem, but I find it hard to believe, given the smooth skill with which he wooed Izzie, that he doesn't have a single friend to come visit him in the hospital.
The couple with the most chemistry last night? In something of a surprise, it turned out to be Derek and Addison, coming through at the last moment with their stressed-out shower sex. They might not have been doing it for all the right reasons, but at least there was some raw emotion in it -- though nothing quite so fierce as the shock, disappointment, hurt, and jealousy in Derek's eyes when he saw Mer walk down those stairs.
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