Fun in the sun leads to loafin' on the sofa
The weather in the Bay Area today was gorgeous! I'm hoping you were outside today, frolicking in the sun and tiring yourselves out, leaving you plenty exhausted for a nice evening in front of the television. Perhaps you'll be enjoying...Boat Trip (8PM, TBS): "Show me the poorly written nautical themed romantic comedy!"
Radio (8pm, FX): It's a choose-your-own-Cuba-Gooding-Jr.-adventure! Boat Trip or Radio -- how can you lose? (The answer: by watching either one of these films.)
Back to the Future (7:30PM, ABC Family): For anyone who's ever loved their mother so much they wish they could travel back in time to date her. An Oedipal story for the ages!
Zoolander (8PM, Comedy Central): I recently decided that the color of my car should be called Blue Steel. Now, I just need to have a midget orgy in it, and I'll be all set.
Boiler Room (7:30PM, Bravo): Barry Pepper, Ben Affleck, Giovanni Ribisi, and Vin Diesel star as stressed out young men in a seriously sucktacular work environment. At least they're pretty!
Pearl Harbor (8PM, ABC): Horrific events in our nation's past are dramatized by none other than the esteemed Michael Bay. I haven't seen the film, but given the subtlety he's displayed in his past work, I'm sure he'll portray the Pearl Harbor bombing and aftermath in a respectful and understated fashion.

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