Gilmores no more

Michael asks some difficult questions, things that the fans will most certainly be asking, and does it in a way that is respectful and shows how much he appreciates the show. I have to give him props for that. In return, AS-P and DP are very honest and up-front about the negotiations and about the future of Gilmore Girls. It's rare to see that kind of candor from people in show biz. While it's true that AS-P and DP put more of the blame for the failed negotiations on Warner Bros. (who, you know, put up the money for the show) it's also obvious that AS-P and DP are very close to this show. It's their baby, and they have a vision for it. I, for one, believe they should've been allowed to carry out that vision. But alas.
What do I think of the fate of Gilmore Girls? I'm on the fence. During the past few seasons of the show I've alternated between feeling love-ambivalence-love-ambivalence for both the characters and the storylines. This season's probably falling about 66% ambivalence, 33% love. While I'm not as invested as I have been in the past, I still care what ultimately happens to the characters, and I think it will be very unfortunate if Amy and Dan don't have some part in the end of the show. This is a very talented pair of thinkers and writers who, when they're not trying to prove something to their audience, can make TV that's supremely enjoyable and funny and heartwarming and off-beat. They have a unique voice and have managed to create an original mother-daughter bond that's filled with love, conflict, and pop-culture references (like so many of the best relationships).
I'm sure the next producer of the show will come up with a series finale that's good and appropriate and satisfying. But I worry that without Amy Sherman-Palladino, the viewers will be missing out on an ending that could have been truly amazing.
I, of course, am still enjoying the show...but I feel either it's slowly taking a downhill slide or I am growing out of it.
Really, I just think that the show is not at its peak anymore. Which is sad because it has amazing possibilites that are not being tapped into.
I will watch faithfully till the end...I just may not care as much if I miss the final 2 minutes of the season finale as I did several seasons ago.
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